Marina Picciotto, Deputy Director of the Kavli Institute for Neuroscience at Yale, is Charles B.G. Murphy Professor in Psychiatry, Deputy Chair for Basic Science and Professor of Neuroscience, Pharmacology and the Child Study Center. Her research focuses on molecular mechanisms underlying typical behaviors in mice and those related to psychiatric illness, focusing on acetylcholine signaling, using molecular genetic strategies coupled with pharmacology to identify the role of individual receptors and signaling molecules in behaviors related to stress, reward, cognitive function, sensory processing and food intake. Dr. Picciotto is Editor in Chief of JNeurosci. She is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, fellow of AAAS, former Councilor and Treasurer of SfN, and past-president of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. She was recently awarded a Directors Pioneer Award to study the role of acetylcholine in regulation of peripheral responses to contextual information.