Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr. Atilgan is currently a research associate specializing in value-based decision making. In her current work, she explores the local and long-range neural circuit mechanisms that enable value-related computations. She combines state-of-the-art methods including head-fixed instrumental behavior, optogenetic mapping, electrophysiological recording and computational models to examine neural substrate for value-based decision making.
Previously, Atilgan was an Action on Hearing Loss – funded Ph.D. student at University College London. With a range of behavioral and neurophysiological approaches in human and ferret listeners, she worked on how visual cues can be used to help people to hear better in situations when listening is difficult.
Atilgan went on to pursue a BSc in Physic from Bilkent University before embarking on a BSc in Psychology from York University. She worked as a research assistant in York Imaging Centre with Prof. Gary Green on the dynamics of auditory steady-state MEG response in where she became enthralled by the remarkable processing taking place in our brains.